An easier way to fill out transaction paperwork.
- Use our automated workflow to fill out required paperwork for an Oklahoma residential transaction.
- A disclosure or disclaimer statement is required from the seller in all Oklahoma residential transactions.
- Our workflow will help you choose the right paperwork and then fill it out online.
How does it work?
- Use our automated workflow to fill out your disclosure / disclaimer paperwork.
- Download the documents and edit as necessary (check for accuracy and errors).
- Sign the documents and provide them to the buyer.
- You will answer a series of questions designed to help you fill out the paperwork accurately. You will then download, review, and adjust the documents as necessary before signing them.
- This automated workflow will help you to fill out the required disclosure / disclaimer forms published by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission (OREC) and / or the EPA. The forms themselves are not created by Jones Property Law. This is simply an automated workflow allowing you to fill out the forms online. You are then responsible for signing the forms and providing them to the buyer per applicable law.
- This is a legal Product, not a legal Service. See our Terms & Conditions on the difference between a legal Product and a legal Service.
No attorney client relationship.
Document automation is very helpful, but it’s never perfect. You are responsible for reviewing these documents, correcting them, customizing them as necessary, and using them appropriately. Usage of these documents and workflow does NOT create an attorney-client relationship with Jones Property Law. You must contact and hire an attorney at Jones Property Law to receive advice or legal services in connection with your disclosure / disclaimer paperwork.